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Model predictive control for asset efficiency

Our PMTech IT. Smart Building technology Tools Model Predictive Control strategy, based on a predictive approach, is able to effectively take into account the information related to the technical systems as well as future external and internal environmental data, including weather forecast, building load, occupancy and energy prices, and is particularly suitable for dynamic, slow-moving processes with time delays, such as HVAC management, renewable energy generation or the use of the building's thermal mass.

BIMproEnergy consists of two main technologies: a predictive model to anticipate the dynamic behavior of the control object, and an optimisation solver to find the best control input to set to achieve the desired outcome.

We've found that model predictive control is particularly promising in terms of energy and cost savings and thermal comfort satisfaction. This is due to its ability to predict the dynamic behavior of connected systems in the future and adjust the response of the respective controllers accordingly.

The simulation model uses these predictions to select the optimal sequence of future controlled inputs according to some performance metric, typically a cost function to be minimized. In terms of constraints, these may be imposed according to system constraints, such as upper and lower zone temperature limits, supply air flow rate limits, and damper positioning range and speed limits, or imposed thresholds for comfort or functionality requirements.

Finally, the external and internal disturbances acting on the system due to weather, occupant activity, equipment use and energy supply are also modeled and their effects on the system are predicted for optimization.

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